1.5GB RAM / 22GB NVMe / 1 Core / 5TB Bandwidth - $15/yr
2GB RAM / 24GB NVMe / 1 Core / 3TB Bandwidth - $20/yr
4GB RAM / 48GB NVMe / 2 Cores / 5TB Bandwidth - $30/yr
8GB RAM / 80GB NVMe / 3 Cores / 6TB Bandwidth - $50/yr
* Trusted Provider Since Late 2014
* We accept Credit Card via Stripe, PayPal, and AliPay
* rDNS in panel
* /64 IPv6 with each instance
* SSH Key support
* We own and operate 100% of our network and infrastructure ( AS399804 )
* OS Template List:
- Ubuntu 23, 22, 20, 18
- Debian 11, 12
- AlmaLinux 8, 9
- CentOS 8, 9
- Fedora 37, 38
- OpenSUSE Leap 15.5
- ArchLinux v20230715