过去6个月内通过支付宝、PayPal或信用卡进行的任何付款均已退款。 如果退款导致您的服务到期,我们将为任何当前活动的服务提供一周的宽限期。 任何未付款的发票都已被取消。任何自动计费都将被禁用。 任何活动服务都将在期末放置取消请求,如果没有自动放置,请确保自己放置取消请求,因为即使有续订,您的帐户也将被关闭。 除非另有通知,否则任何活动服务都将继续到其到期期限。请仅在符合协议下的免费支持资格的情况下创建工单。例如,有限的支持特价只有在报告您的服务存在有效技术问题导致其无法运行时才有资格。否则,您可能会产生支持工单费用,由于我们不再接受来自您的帐户的进一步付款,这将导致帐户被标记为更快的关闭。
1/5th of the accounts that received that immediately ignored anything written there, and made tickets about how they want to continue staying a customer, want to pay the invoices that got refunded, how they want invoices regenerated.
Definitely sounds like a group that loves being miserable then and digging themselves a bigger hole when they've been dealt with in the nicest way possible. Oh no, such wanton behavior, the provider gave me (1) a refund for the past 6 months any payments, (2) gave me up to several months of free service and made sure to provide an additional week of service in any case, (3) allows me to continue using any other services paid into the future as long as I don't do the one main thing I was requested not to do, let me immediately do that.
Does anyone remember last time when the biggest complaint was that services were suspended without giving a grace period? It could be handled in any way and people would still be upset that they can't continue buying from the provider they hate so much.