内存2GB 硬盘3.6TB 流量10TB 年付€76

C 2021-3-17 1450


50gb NVME +Storage kvm 3.6tb

2 core E5-2680v4
2 gb ram ddr4
Disk1 50gb nvme raid10
Disk 2 3.6 tb Hdd raid10
10tb traffic/mo (1gbps dedicated line) the port will be 10gbps shared but if you abuse we will limit to 1gbps
1 ipv4
price 76 eur/year :

PLEASE NOTE : this is a verry limited quantity because we will dedicate only 2 nodes for this offer , also is a pre-order and we can tard up to 1 week in provide this so please do not open tikets asking when we will activate it because i will directly refund and you will lost your chanse to have it, after provided we will change the next due date . Also the service will be provided in Bucharest location.

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