(翻译) 良好关系的真相 -- 茶泡饭,无聊,不刺激
来源: 搬运自某管 xJaN7R_d45E
说明:自认为还不错的文章,从播客视频翻译过来,这次 gemini 遇到哲学思辨风格的文字,翻译有点力不从心,关键词汇有点乱用,所以自己修改了点,也可能 prompt 没写到位的缘故。
就文章来说,这个观点也非常平淡,但相信忍受过 爱作的伴侣折磨的人,感受是非常深刻的。影视剧等 一直在拉高 男性的生活作为的标准,且个体无法对其作出反馈,如涓滴汇入江河,最终流入大海,作为海洋 也很难去抱怨溪流的不是,唯以宽阔的胸襟 聊以自慰。
The truth about good relationships
很多人宁愿忍受负面情绪,也不愿意接受良好关系中那种平淡的感觉。你非说这些人不成熟、有缺陷等等,其实也没法改变他们的想法,更解决不了这个问题。我特别喜欢的一位导演,小津安二郎(Yasujiro Ozu),拍过一部很棒的电影。虽然不是他最有名的作品,但这部电影叫《茶泡饭之味》,它把这个道理讲得比我见过的任何一部电影都透彻。
附加 英文原文
And the topic of today's short talk is the truth about good relationships. We all kind of know this truth, but very few people say it out loud. But once we bring it out into the open, it does a great deal to explain why so few people have good relationships and why so many young people apparently don't seem to be interested in relationships at all these days. Here it is. The truth about good relationships is that good relationships are boring.
They're boring.
They are not exciting.
A good relationship does not have drama. It does not have conflict. It does not have passionate arguments or complex arrangements or high emotion. Good relationships are calm. They're consistent. They're reliable. They run smoothly. And the smoother they run, the less you even notice them. Like nothing attracts attention like a problem, which is a big part of why so many people create them in their relationships.
Listen closely. A person's ability to have a good relationship is directly proportionate to his or her capacity to withstand boredom. The folks who are trying to sell traditional relationships to young people seem to have missed this point. Yes, there is something fulfilling and satisfying about a good relationship, but you need emotional maturity to be able to experience it. Emotional maturity is what transforms boredom into peace. But emotional maturity is precisely what so many people, especially young people, who are literally not yet fully developed, still lack. Without that maturity, the boredom of a good relationship becomes insufferable. No novelty, no excitement, no surprises, indefinitely. This is why so many people, men and women, create unnecessary problems in their relationships. They don't wanna admit it, but they're bored. These people will kick the hornet's nest, even if it means getting stung, because at least that way they will feel something.
They will also seek out partners who are exciting or passionate or spontaneous, partners who are in some way unstable or unreliable or uncertain, because let's face it,
all these things make for good drama. They evoke emotions,
and many people would prefer even negative emotions to the muted experiences that often characterize a good relationship. Insisting that such people are immature or damaged or what have you isn't gonna change their minds, and it certainly isn't gonna solve this problem. There's this great movie by Yasujiro Ozu, one of my all-time favorite directors. It's not one of his better-known films. It's called The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice, 《茶泡饭之味》 and it exemplifies this understanding better than any movie I've ever seen.
The film is basically a portrait of a marriage. The husband is patient, calm, loving, hardworking, and long-suffering, and the wife is just an enormous pain in the ass. Like through 80% of the movie, she is bitchy and critical and complaining and unreliable. She lies to her husband and talks badly about him behind his back until her own girlfriends can't take it anymore and call her out for her shitty behavior. Now, what Ozu gets right, but doesn't really call attention to,
is the fact that the husband's consistent reliability like enables the wife to act like a petulant brat. This is because consistent reliability is boring, and many women, like the wife in Ozu's film, find boredom to be intolerable, trust me, if women found decency and tranquility sexy, the world would look like a very different place.
However, these traits do not evoke strong emotional responses, and consistent reliability is often taken for granted precisely because its performance is invisible and thus harder to see. It takes emotional maturity to be able to appreciate these things, and that is precisely what the young wife lacks through most of the film.
Back to the film. Eventually, the criticism of her friends, as well as the threat of loss represented by her husband's departure on an unexpected business trip, bring the wife to her senses.
She does some soul searching, realizes that she's been a miserable crank, and begs her husband's forgiveness. What follows is the best scene in the movie.
The two have lived together as husband and wife for years, but most of the domestic duties have been discharged by their live-in maid. Not wanting to wake her up, the two enter into the kitchen, the heart of domesticity, for the first time to prepare a midnight snack. They have to work together to figure out where the pans are and where they keep the rice. And we watch them stumble through the preparation of a very simple meal, green tea over rice.
Green tea over rice is Ozu's metaphor for marriage. It's not flashy or creative. It doesn't have exotic spices or complex flavors or gastronomic inventions. It's good and wholesome and simple. Rice and tea.
And how would you describe the flavor of rice and tea? Subtle, bland, unremarkable. Like no one goes to a restaurant to order tea over rice. Do you understand? But it's filling and comforting in a way that few things are. Ozu understood the modest simplicity that characterizes good relationships. In fact, this is consistently embodied in his style. No panning, no tracking, no zooming. Every shot looks the same. And it should be noted that Ozu, the venerated chronicler of Japanese domesticity, never married and lived with his mother for the remainder of her life.
As I've said before, the main reason why most marriages don't last is because we collectively want that relationship to be too many things. Marriage is fundamentally a very humble institution and we burden that structure with expectations and desires that it was never designed to support. It is simple and unpretentious, like tea over rice. It is, for lack of a better word, boring. And this is especially true if people are used to experiencing like big, bright, intense emotions and sensations. A good relationship is going to seem very dreary and dull by comparison, but that's just because these individuals weren't really looking with their eyes and hearing with their ears.
They just kind of looked and heard enough to give them the confidence that what they see and hear is known and understood, and therefore that there's nothing new or interesting about it, which in turn causes them to dismissively turn away from it. But when they start to really look and really listen, they begin to see all this subtle variation and delightful nuance and tasteful diversity in the experience they once rejected. This life isn't boring, far from it.
It's sublimely peaceful, but it can take time and maturity to arrive at this understanding. A good relationship is like listening to the rain or watching a well-banked fire. It's simple and calming and restorative. And as you become increasingly attuned to these experiences, then your relationship becomes like this really safe playground and the world kind of opens up to you without even needing to leave your house.
Intense emotions and sensations actually dull your sensitivity to this kind of stuff and make it harder to tolerate the boredom that initially attends these experiences.
But what's the alternative? You'll be chasing the dragon of emotional stimulation until you can tolerate boredom long enough to see it transform into peace.