M: Allen’s Furniture, can I help you?
W: Hi, I’m the one who asked about the price of the glass tea tabletop just now. I’m sorry I made a mistake. The size should be 75cm by 50cm.
M: Oh, that’ll make a difference in the price. Hold on and let me find out.
题目:Why does the woman make the call?
A. To check on the price.
B. To make an apology.
C. To cancel her order.
如果答案是C 原文最好这么写 Hi, I’m the one who just ordered a glass tea tabletop.
根据 webster 词典
【check on】 : 1 check on (someone or something) to look at or examine(someone or something ) to see if there are any problems (例句是 nurse checked on the patients regularly) 2 to look for information about (someone or something) : to find out the truth about(someone or something) by getting information (例句是 the police are checking on him)
因此,如果女人自己查询自己的笔记本,发现记错了。可以说 has checked on the size in notebook, 要么就是 质问售卖员 去查商品价格是否记错。这就说的通了。 像题目中这种情况,是自己已经知道错,不适合再用 check on, 可以说纠正 to correct the size 。相比而言,为了道歉是 确是可以接受的答案。
其实接触英语多了,也知道 check 是个主动性很强的词汇,甚至还有控制,阻止,责备的意思,和sorry 确实没啥关系。
说了那么多,我想说 这完全不应该成为考试内容,于学习毫无帮助,只不过成就了某些出卷老师的小心机,什么八大金刚,完全行业互吹,有空还不如多学几个编程范式,电路电子运动和传导的区别,历史典故,色彩通道,正余弦和弓箭切圆的关系,深度学习 prompt,贝叶斯 概率论 等等。没必要放在心上,现在教英语都是培养新闻学的,而其他学科的单词 反而才是工作要用的,反而一点不教[em_4]